You earn more with every sale based on the number of sales you deliver each month. The monthly income will be automatically calculated according to the tier. The more you sell, the more you can sell. You have a lot of sales Income will increase.
- Hig Commission for selling more
- Affiliate Stats and Realtime Report
- Long 90 days Cookie Life
- The Affiliate Program is free to join
- There is no minimum amount to get money.
- Earn on the 15th of every month via PayPal account
- Easy register, quick approval
- Easy installation steps Can be used with general websites, social media, other
- Sign up for our Affiliate Program here
- Access your affiliate account once you are approved for the program. You can create your own affiliate link and copy and paste your affiliate link onto your website, email or social media, etc
- View income and statistics By clicking on the Account > Affiliate menu.